Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Goodbye, Blogger! Goodbye, Fanfiction! Momentary Pause on PJO...not goodbye!

Well, hello. I have some rather depressing news.
It starts with a G.
It ends with an !
Yes, that's right...
It's: Goodbye, Blogger!

Sorry, guys. Blogger's been fun, but yeah, after this, no more Suzie-posts. That also means that after this...probably no more Fanfics. Not even finishing them.

Yeah, sorry, everybody! I don't have the heart to finish my stories. Go ahead. Call me a quitter, fine. Call me a jerk, okay. But see, as Ella said, it's a LOT of work. Fanfiction is just...annoying right now. It's bugging me! I've already said I may not post much anymore, but yeah....
AAAANNNND I need to get away from PJO right now, for many reasons.
For Example:
  • Right now, Ella's not obsessed anymore. I guess that just makes me feel, I don't know, like I shouldn't be, too? I know that everybody's allowed having opinions, but I really feel like I'm just annoying people at this point. Yeah, I'm still going to love the series, but nobosy else really does, and besides. My Greece-Percy Jackson talk is annoying a lot of my friends, even when I'm joking. Plus, they're all into The Hunger Games right now. I guess I'll give it a go, cause once I find something I love, which I KNOW I will love the Hunger Games series (not more than PJO, though), I'll talk about it. A LOT. So I want to annoy as little people as possible. Cause really, I think they're starting to get fed up.
  • Second, I think its time to try new things. I have to read a whole variety of genres for school, and re-reading PJO isn't helping very well...
So, yeah. Ella, I don't mean to sound upset at you! You're still my best friend (: You just made me realize that I have to try other things, too! And yeah, I know you still like PJO, but hey, even if you get to the point where you hate it, I'm your best friend...I'm stuck with you (:

Anyways, this is goodbye! It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end.
For the last time,

Friday, November 11, 2011

Service Hours

Tiny Tale Time (:

So today, a LOT of people did some service hours. Those people included me, and my friends, Jazmine, Melina, Mickey, and MANY more people. First, we had to pack up candy in bags for the poor. We had, like, twelve boxes full of bagged candy! After that, we had to put together boxes. This is where the fun comes in...

Jazmine and my cheerleading friend, Daisy, were in one group. Melina and Jenny were in another. Jenny's one of the more popular girls, but she's nice. Then, two girls in the older grade, Patricia and Gemma, were in another. Patricia, like me, is a teacher's daughter, and our moms are best friends, so we are, too.

Basically, Jazmine asked if I could take the box she had finished into the storage room, since she had about ten more to do (and this was only the first round). I took the box, and then Patricia yelled, "Suzie! Can you take our box for us, too?" And thus, the buisness began.

Normally, without break, Jenny and Melina would give me one, then Patricia and Gemma, and finally, Jazmine and Daisy. Somewhere along the way, I would end up with another box. Normally, I had three to four boxes I had to carry. TALL boxes, and I'm VERY SHORT! Chloe and Gabrielle, two of my friends, were counting every. single. box. Yeah, they had the most boring job.

Mickey,a super hyper kid in my grade, is also making boxes with his friend. As I was walking to the storage room, he tripped me. On purpose. I yelled at him and left. After that, we actually had a good routine going. Either he would toss me a box or would slide one down the huge table in the cafeteria, where this was located, and I would use it as the bottom one, going and getting more boxes.

Once, I tried handling five tall boxes stacked on each other. Not only did they fall, but I almost did, too. Smooth, Suzie. Way to be suave.

According to Chloe, we had over 170 boxes done by the end.

After this, Jazmine, Gabrielle, Jenny and I did my routine "1, 2, 3, KICK!" What "1, 2, 3, KICK!" is, is that we hop in place facing one direction three times, and then kick our right foot high in the air. Then, we face the other directions and repeat. After that, Mickey started a finger war where we used fingers as guns. I of course, did not get involved until the end, when I 'Avada Kedavra'-ed the people playing. Win.

After that, we were recruited back to work. We had to load boxes with canned food, and halfway through it, Jaz had to leave...leaving me with TWO stations to do. Grrr...but soon after, another person filled it.

Before we packed boxes, Chloe found that thing where you put boxes on it on the small ledge and you push it. Naturally, we started messing around, and I got on it, and she pushed me around for a bit. Then, Jazmine had her turn.

Think we're crazy yet?

Vet's Day and Fanfiction and...Cheerleading!

To honor all the troops, I've written a short Christmas-themed fanfiction called: Merry Christmas, Daddy. It's about Percy, away in war, receiving a book from Athene, his daughter, and a special message from Annabeth, his wife. So yeah, check it out!

Oh, I hope to have EaY chapter 1 up soon. Tomorrow, I'm going to Ash's party :) It's an overnight one, so I can't really write there! Then, on Sunday, I have...
....MY FIRST CHEERLEADING PRACTICE! I don't see myself as a cheerleader...I'm not very balanced...this will be a journey for all of us, now won't it?
Have a great vet's day!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tiny Tale Time...Pain....Misery....Ice packs....

And now I bring to you a true story.

It was Recess on Nvember 7th, 2011. At about 12:45 PM, I decided to play four-square with Ella, Ashley, Cami, Melina, and Kate. (Jaz was at Math Club.) Ashley decided to get a basketball to play with. And THEN, they decide, "Hey, let's kick it!"

I am not a foot-eye coordinated person.

I kicked it, and got out. "Darnit..." I muttered. I went out and stood next to Ella, who was waiting in line.

"Hey!" She said, as I stood in front of her. "I'm next, Mrs.!" she exclaimed.

"Mrs.?" I asked. "Since when have I gotten married?"

A wicked gleam flickered in her eyes. "To Poseidon." she smiled. (She calls me Athena, and she laughs at the whole Pothena thing. Neither of us are really fans.)

Thinking I won, I laughed. "Poseidon doesn't have a last name, Ella." I told her.

"Uh...then Jeromy!" she said. "What's Jeromy's last name again?" she asked. Jeromy is my nerdy 10th grade neighbor. He's hilarious, but a huge nerd. I would never go for him.

"I'm not telling you. But just so you know, I'd rather marry Po- OUCH!" And then, the basketball flew and hit my face.

"SUZIE! I'M SO SORRY!" Cami yelled. "It-it was an accident! Are you okay?"

My face was numb. My right eye hurt, but besides that I felt nothing. Tears welled up (unitentionally! I'm NOT a cry baby) and threatened to escape. I began laughing, though. "I' fine!" I yelled back. "I can't feel it!"

"Are you sure?" Cami asked.

I nodded, but Ella yelled, "NURSE!" and began pulling me away. I didn't go to the nurse, I just went to my Mom's room. She teaches a lower grade at my school. I asked Ms. Zayling, my awesome writing/reading/english teacher, if I could go get some medicine. She let me go, and Ella came along.

"Mom!" I said. "Cami accidentally hit me with a ball. My face hurts." I interrupted her class. I tend to do that a lot. Instead of being annoyed, she let me take some pain pills.

Ella stood in the front, quite happy with all the kindergarteners' attention to her. "What happened o Suzie?" One asked.

"A basketball hit her in the face," Ella laughed.

A kid stood up. "I play basketball!" Another yelled, "I play football!"

"Hello, Ella, how are you?" My mom asked.

"I'm good, thanks." Ella said. We were off. As we got back outside, a ball came flying over our heads, and I ducked.

Now, I'm sitting on my couch with ice on the back of my head and on my right temple. Oh...the pain...

Hope you had a better day than me!

My ice pack...
My medicine...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Computers, Internet Connection, Skillet, and Fanfiction


So, you guys all know that my laptop crashed. Again. That made me upset. After that, I turned it on, but all the programs were gone! That made me really upset. Now, I'm at my Grandma's house, and last night the Internet wasn't working. At all. So, while my parents and grandparents were all gathered in the living room working, I was screaming at my computer. As if THAT didn't make me mad enough, guess what?

A month ago (actually MORE than a month ago) my mother said she would MOST LIKELY take me to a Skillet concert that happened on October 20th. When she says "Most Likely" it's ALWAYS a yes. So, I started getting REALLY REALLY REALLY happy and even told Brayden, my cousin, that we were gonna go. And then...Terra Novas. IT WAS DURING THE FREAKING WEEK OF FREAKING TESTS THAT ARE FREAKING mandatory! So, thinking that secretly my mother was going to give me the tickets, I stayed home. Well, that and I felt sick to my stomach. Literally. So, I didn't go to school that day. I felt better in the afternoon after a LOT of Sprite and crackers, and I thought my mom was gonna give me the tickets.

Guess who was mad. This girl.

And finally, I grasped the fact that I was not going to a Skillet concert any time soon.

But today, I was in the car on the way from Church with my other Grandma, she lives close to the Grandma's house I'm staying at, and guess what I saw? GUESS!!!! A FREAKING BILLBOARD WITH SKILLET ON IT!  It said, "10.20.11. SKILLET AT WESBANCO ARENA, WEST VIRGINIA!!" and had the picture on my "Skillet" blog on it. THAT WAS THE CONCERT MY MOM WAS GOING TO TAKE ME TO!!!!!

And guess what? Today is Skillet's LAST TOUR DATE in AMERICA for a while. And my mom said she'd think about taking me...even though it's like in Indiana or Illinois. But instead, I'm sitting here, ranting.

I'm freaking livid right now.

Yeah...I started writing chapter one for EaY. But now I must go be involved in my family's activities...
Today's a bad day for me. I seem to have those a lot.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Suzie's Tiny Tales (Based off of Ella's Mini Story Time)

I got this idea from Ella, and you know, I really need it right now. You know how I just got my laptop back? Well, after, like, three uses, it CRASHED. ALL programs are gone (yes, even Internet and Microsoft) so, I'm really ticked. But nothing's stopping me his time. I'm still going to write.

Suzie's Tiny Tales (Details changed from what really happened...but based off of a true story.)

I walked down the hall. I went into my parents' room, holding my laptop. They were watching some weird show, but I wasn't about to go in my room alone. Not after that movie I just saw.

My parents, as always, didn't really notice I walked in. I sat down, plugged in my laptop in, and turned it on.

Well, tried to turn it on is more accurate.

My mom and I went crazy trying to fix it once I started complaining. We eventually got it open...but...


I was mad. Like, mad, mad. I lost it. Now, we're sending my baby away again...


However, the chapter will be a little delayed because of what happened.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Yay! My laptop is BACK! Now, I'm writing EaY's prologue! WHOOPIE! YAY! So...yeah...gonna go write! Look out for it!
See that? I'm gonna go like that person and...TYPE!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Okay guys, rant time. If you've read Ella's (TheGreekGoddessAphrodite's) blogs, you know we do this a lot. Nayways, Today's rant, my first one: Skillet

I love this band! They're awesome! I love all of the songs from Comatose and Awake, they're an awesome band! But what I need to rant about are their concerts! They're almost over in the U.S. and recently, my mom said I could most likely go to one that was close to my grandparents' house! BUT I DIDN'T! Why? 'Cause my cousin had to go and break his shoulder (one of the two who was gonna go with me) and my other cousin had already missed too many days of school! GRR! And apparently, it was a lot if "money". I'm a young girl! I don't care about cost! I just like to spend! *Sigh* so now, I probably have to wait until, like, 2013 or something to go to a Skillet concert.

Never heard of Skillet? Shame on you.
Go. Now. Listen to the amazing band! I bet you'll like them!!

Good News!

My laptop is on her way home! I think I'll throw a party when she gets back! Yes, I do consider my laptop a she...don't give me that weird look! She's like the little sister I always wanted but never got...but without the attitude and annoying-ness! I never really named her; oh well! But!!!!! This means that Everything about You's prologue WILL be up soon! YAY! Now you guys can party, too!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

You Probably Don't Want to Hear This...

I have some bad news. My laptop has recently started not working. We're sending it to get cleaned up, but that's not the point. Right now, I'm on my mom's work computer, so I doubt I'll be writing much. My laptop has all my documents on them, so anything I started writing, I have to re-write. That means that Everything about You will not be up until I get my laptop back. I'm sorry! It's just that my laptop has all this information I haven't memorized yet that I need for that fanfiction. So, I'm sorry to say, but I have to: Everything about You is on delay until I get my laptop fixed.
Grr to My Laptop,
P.S. I even had a one-shot on there for you guys! It was over 3,000 words, too! Grr to my laptop.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Everything about You: Punishment's Sequel

Hello again! I hope you've all been anticipating EaY. Like Ella's (TheGreekGoddessAphrodite) story, Life In Song, chapters will be based off songs or have song lyrics in them. Most of the chapters, anyway. The first few won't! EaY was based off of the song I Hate Everything about You by Three Days Grace. Yes, this story will have Pothena (some)and Ares/Aphrodite (lots). There will be some OC's (that I will make, and Ella, if she'd like) because they will be the students.
EaY is about Athena, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Artemis, Ares, and Apollo getting more Punishment. They weren't taking their first one, becoming teenagers, seriously. Now, Zeus is making them become teachers at a new college: Atlantic Coast Academy. Here's the sneak peek of chapter one! (The other one; one's in Punishment.)

Athena gaped. "This...is a big class." she muttered.
A boy, about twenty one, a senior (obviously. All the gods were teaching seniors), nodded. "You got that right, babe!"
"Babe?" Athena looked outraged. "I am your teacher! Don't call me babe!"
"But you're hot," he countered. Curse Aphrodite. She had cut Athena's hair and picked her clothes that day. "And besides, you're a young teacher! Only...twenty three, right?"
"Sit down," Athena sighed.
She turned to the rest of the large class. "Welcome to literature! I hope you'll have more fun learning than I will teaching!"

Poseidon looked around the room. "Not bad," he said. "Large class."
A girl in the back giggled. "How old are you? Twenty four? Twenty five? You're too good looking to be any older."
Poseidon smiled. "I know," he said. He then spoke to the class. "Welcome to world sciences. I love oceanography, and that's what we're mostly going to be working on with you seniors, anyway. Besides, that's what most of you signed up for,"

Artemis glared. She had a huge class, just her luck. She grumbled something about men, when one of the girls in the class asked her, "Why do you hate men so much?"
"They put me in this prison, also known as your Forensics room. Anyway, welcome to forensic class, yada yada, guys don't you dare try to flirt with me again or you'll find yourself expelled before you can say "jackalope"."

Apollo smiled. "Great! So many young souls attached to the Musical Arts as I. Welcome to Musical Arts class! Here, you'll learn much about instruments, symphonies, orchestras, and much more."
The class looked genuinely happy.
"Let's get this show on the road!"

"Move it, people, move it! I'm only taking the best of the best for this football team! You better pray to the gods that if you get on you show up every day! This is no joke, punks! This is the big boys now! You're all seniors! Show me you deserve it!" Ares yelled to the panting boys. "MOVE IT!"

Aphrodite was just lounging about. "Ooh! Cute room!" She said as she opened one of the college girls' rooms. She walked in and started looking around. "Ooooh! Pink!"

Well, that's just their perspectives of the first day of the new academy. I hope you'll read it when it comes out soon!

Tell Me Chapter 12

Hello! If you listened to chapter eleven in Tell Me If There's Anything I Can Do and came here, thanks! I hope you have been enjoying the story so far! Anyways, here's the sneak peek to part one of the final chapter! This chapter takes place a whole year later, after they're divorced and such. I know it's a while...but divorce takes a while to complete! So, Athene is 20 months old.

"Annabeth...calm down." Percy said.
I took a deep breath. "What if...what if Heidi wins this?"
"Wise Girl, she won't. We've got a great lawyer, that charmspeaking Aphrodite girl...uh..."
"Elise?" I asked. "Yes, well she is rather bright for an Aphrodite child. No offense to them, of course."
"Annabeth, you've found every loophole possible. We're have back-up. We are ready for this!"
"Percy, I have barely any authority up there! I'm only the surrogate," I said. "Not her legal mother. Really, only you can talk to the judge."
"Annabeth, you can, too, that's why you're here at the trial! You're more than the surrogate, Annabeth. Far more."
I shrugged. "What am I then, Percy? What?"
"You're my best friend, Annabeth. We've been through everythung together. Our first quest was together. Our first battle was together. Annabeth, our first kiss was together. We defeated Kronos...together. They don't give you enough credit, Annabeth. I'm not the savior of Olympus without you. And I'm not Athene's parent without you. This past year's been rough, I'm not going to lie. Divorce isn't fun. But you've helped me get through it. We did it together, Annabeth."
I nodded. "You're actually right for once," I mumbled.
"Always the optimist," Percy said. I smiled.
We walked into the court and sat down. After organising our things, and after Elise showing up, Heidi and her lawyer walked in. Brian, the gangly Apollo kid Heidi had Kyle with, walked up next to Heidi, handing Kyle to a man who looked very young; Apollo.
I turned to see Poseidon and my mother, Athena, very nervous. Athena was holding Athene, and Poseidon was whispering some things to her, obviously trying to calm her down. Athena made some gestures, but then began playing with Athene's long, black hair, which matched her own.
"Please rise," the judge said. Everybody did as told. Today...well, today was going to be a long day.

There you go! I hope you like the next chapter!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hi, I'm Suzie, and I write for Fanfiction - that's probably why you're here. This blog is mainly for sneak peeks/summaries of new stories, news about my stories, favorite books, etcetera. I hope you'll check it regularly, thanks for reading!
