Friday, October 7, 2011

Tell Me Chapter 12

Hello! If you listened to chapter eleven in Tell Me If There's Anything I Can Do and came here, thanks! I hope you have been enjoying the story so far! Anyways, here's the sneak peek to part one of the final chapter! This chapter takes place a whole year later, after they're divorced and such. I know it's a while...but divorce takes a while to complete! So, Athene is 20 months old.

"Annabeth...calm down." Percy said.
I took a deep breath. "What if...what if Heidi wins this?"
"Wise Girl, she won't. We've got a great lawyer, that charmspeaking Aphrodite girl...uh..."
"Elise?" I asked. "Yes, well she is rather bright for an Aphrodite child. No offense to them, of course."
"Annabeth, you've found every loophole possible. We're have back-up. We are ready for this!"
"Percy, I have barely any authority up there! I'm only the surrogate," I said. "Not her legal mother. Really, only you can talk to the judge."
"Annabeth, you can, too, that's why you're here at the trial! You're more than the surrogate, Annabeth. Far more."
I shrugged. "What am I then, Percy? What?"
"You're my best friend, Annabeth. We've been through everythung together. Our first quest was together. Our first battle was together. Annabeth, our first kiss was together. We defeated Kronos...together. They don't give you enough credit, Annabeth. I'm not the savior of Olympus without you. And I'm not Athene's parent without you. This past year's been rough, I'm not going to lie. Divorce isn't fun. But you've helped me get through it. We did it together, Annabeth."
I nodded. "You're actually right for once," I mumbled.
"Always the optimist," Percy said. I smiled.
We walked into the court and sat down. After organising our things, and after Elise showing up, Heidi and her lawyer walked in. Brian, the gangly Apollo kid Heidi had Kyle with, walked up next to Heidi, handing Kyle to a man who looked very young; Apollo.
I turned to see Poseidon and my mother, Athena, very nervous. Athena was holding Athene, and Poseidon was whispering some things to her, obviously trying to calm her down. Athena made some gestures, but then began playing with Athene's long, black hair, which matched her own.
"Please rise," the judge said. Everybody did as told. Today...well, today was going to be a long day.

There you go! I hope you like the next chapter!

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