Sunday, October 9, 2011

You Probably Don't Want to Hear This...

I have some bad news. My laptop has recently started not working. We're sending it to get cleaned up, but that's not the point. Right now, I'm on my mom's work computer, so I doubt I'll be writing much. My laptop has all my documents on them, so anything I started writing, I have to re-write. That means that Everything about You will not be up until I get my laptop back. I'm sorry! It's just that my laptop has all this information I haven't memorized yet that I need for that fanfiction. So, I'm sorry to say, but I have to: Everything about You is on delay until I get my laptop fixed.
Grr to My Laptop,
P.S. I even had a one-shot on there for you guys! It was over 3,000 words, too! Grr to my laptop.



  2. Dang it . Loved the story punishment . I am not a weirdo , i FOund this link on your fanfiction profile.
