Saturday, October 22, 2011


Okay guys, rant time. If you've read Ella's (TheGreekGoddessAphrodite's) blogs, you know we do this a lot. Nayways, Today's rant, my first one: Skillet

I love this band! They're awesome! I love all of the songs from Comatose and Awake, they're an awesome band! But what I need to rant about are their concerts! They're almost over in the U.S. and recently, my mom said I could most likely go to one that was close to my grandparents' house! BUT I DIDN'T! Why? 'Cause my cousin had to go and break his shoulder (one of the two who was gonna go with me) and my other cousin had already missed too many days of school! GRR! And apparently, it was a lot if "money". I'm a young girl! I don't care about cost! I just like to spend! *Sigh* so now, I probably have to wait until, like, 2013 or something to go to a Skillet concert.

Never heard of Skillet? Shame on you.
Go. Now. Listen to the amazing band! I bet you'll like them!!

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