Friday, October 7, 2011

Everything about You: Punishment's Sequel

Hello again! I hope you've all been anticipating EaY. Like Ella's (TheGreekGoddessAphrodite) story, Life In Song, chapters will be based off songs or have song lyrics in them. Most of the chapters, anyway. The first few won't! EaY was based off of the song I Hate Everything about You by Three Days Grace. Yes, this story will have Pothena (some)and Ares/Aphrodite (lots). There will be some OC's (that I will make, and Ella, if she'd like) because they will be the students.
EaY is about Athena, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Artemis, Ares, and Apollo getting more Punishment. They weren't taking their first one, becoming teenagers, seriously. Now, Zeus is making them become teachers at a new college: Atlantic Coast Academy. Here's the sneak peek of chapter one! (The other one; one's in Punishment.)

Athena gaped. " a big class." she muttered.
A boy, about twenty one, a senior (obviously. All the gods were teaching seniors), nodded. "You got that right, babe!"
"Babe?" Athena looked outraged. "I am your teacher! Don't call me babe!"
"But you're hot," he countered. Curse Aphrodite. She had cut Athena's hair and picked her clothes that day. "And besides, you're a young teacher! Only...twenty three, right?"
"Sit down," Athena sighed.
She turned to the rest of the large class. "Welcome to literature! I hope you'll have more fun learning than I will teaching!"

Poseidon looked around the room. "Not bad," he said. "Large class."
A girl in the back giggled. "How old are you? Twenty four? Twenty five? You're too good looking to be any older."
Poseidon smiled. "I know," he said. He then spoke to the class. "Welcome to world sciences. I love oceanography, and that's what we're mostly going to be working on with you seniors, anyway. Besides, that's what most of you signed up for,"

Artemis glared. She had a huge class, just her luck. She grumbled something about men, when one of the girls in the class asked her, "Why do you hate men so much?"
"They put me in this prison, also known as your Forensics room. Anyway, welcome to forensic class, yada yada, guys don't you dare try to flirt with me again or you'll find yourself expelled before you can say "jackalope"."

Apollo smiled. "Great! So many young souls attached to the Musical Arts as I. Welcome to Musical Arts class! Here, you'll learn much about instruments, symphonies, orchestras, and much more."
The class looked genuinely happy.
"Let's get this show on the road!"

"Move it, people, move it! I'm only taking the best of the best for this football team! You better pray to the gods that if you get on you show up every day! This is no joke, punks! This is the big boys now! You're all seniors! Show me you deserve it!" Ares yelled to the panting boys. "MOVE IT!"

Aphrodite was just lounging about. "Ooh! Cute room!" She said as she opened one of the college girls' rooms. She walked in and started looking around. "Ooooh! Pink!"

Well, that's just their perspectives of the first day of the new academy. I hope you'll read it when it comes out soon!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I cannot wait until the actual story is published!
