Sunday, November 6, 2011

Computers, Internet Connection, Skillet, and Fanfiction


So, you guys all know that my laptop crashed. Again. That made me upset. After that, I turned it on, but all the programs were gone! That made me really upset. Now, I'm at my Grandma's house, and last night the Internet wasn't working. At all. So, while my parents and grandparents were all gathered in the living room working, I was screaming at my computer. As if THAT didn't make me mad enough, guess what?

A month ago (actually MORE than a month ago) my mother said she would MOST LIKELY take me to a Skillet concert that happened on October 20th. When she says "Most Likely" it's ALWAYS a yes. So, I started getting REALLY REALLY REALLY happy and even told Brayden, my cousin, that we were gonna go. And then...Terra Novas. IT WAS DURING THE FREAKING WEEK OF FREAKING TESTS THAT ARE FREAKING mandatory! So, thinking that secretly my mother was going to give me the tickets, I stayed home. Well, that and I felt sick to my stomach. Literally. So, I didn't go to school that day. I felt better in the afternoon after a LOT of Sprite and crackers, and I thought my mom was gonna give me the tickets.

Guess who was mad. This girl.

And finally, I grasped the fact that I was not going to a Skillet concert any time soon.

But today, I was in the car on the way from Church with my other Grandma, she lives close to the Grandma's house I'm staying at, and guess what I saw? GUESS!!!! A FREAKING BILLBOARD WITH SKILLET ON IT!  It said, "10.20.11. SKILLET AT WESBANCO ARENA, WEST VIRGINIA!!" and had the picture on my "Skillet" blog on it. THAT WAS THE CONCERT MY MOM WAS GOING TO TAKE ME TO!!!!!

And guess what? Today is Skillet's LAST TOUR DATE in AMERICA for a while. And my mom said she'd think about taking me...even though it's like in Indiana or Illinois. But instead, I'm sitting here, ranting.

I'm freaking livid right now.

Yeah...I started writing chapter one for EaY. But now I must go be involved in my family's activities...
Today's a bad day for me. I seem to have those a lot.


1 comment:

  1. Aww:( And by the way, I love how your follower are 'Your Little Minions'! Haha.

